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Lot 27

WL Eisa Erica 0654

Wells Livestock

Eisa Erica 0654 is an exciting young female loaded with breed leading calving-ease, growth and carcass merit. A direct daughter of the ABS Global standout sire Tehama Patriarch, while her dam combines the strengths of Commando 1366 and Baldridge Waylon. She ranks in the TOP 1% of the breed for CED while still posting a YW of 114! Additionally, she ranks in the TOP 10% of the breed for MARB and TOP 20% for $C. She is a high producing female with her first 2 calves posting a WR 2@105.

Due in Mid-December 2024 to WL 848X 6455 Emerald 0657 (Reg#: 20054948)

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