August/September 2021 Newsletter
Advertising Opportunities
Directory-Handbook Advertising
Full Page
1/2 Page
Business Card
Black & White
Full Color
Live Area
5.5 x 8.5
5.5 x 4.25
4.75 x 1.8906
0.125 in
0.125 in
Deadline & Page Selection
Premium pages to be sold at auction, Late January / Early February at Ohio Angus annual banquet
Confidential bids will be accepted if you cannot attend auction - minimum bid $400
Auction purchased ads include ad placement, design/layout, and color charges with no additional fees
Full color pages are limited availability and usually sell out at auction
February 20 - Deadline to reserve ad space
February 20 - Deadline for plans and materials to be submitted for Ad design / layout assistance
February 25 - Copy ready (PDF) ad deadline
Newsletter Advertising
Full Page
1/2 Page
Business Card
Full Color
$250 (1 year)
Live Area
5.5 x 8.5
5.5 x 4.25
4.75 x 1.8906
0.125 in
0.125 in
Published 4 times per year (January, April, July, October) Approximate mail date is the 5th
E-mailed on or near 5th to E-list members
Copy Ready Ad Deadline is the 20th of the preceding month
Ad design services - submit plans by the 10th of the preceding month, additional charges apply
Ads from other publications - submit order instruction by the 20th of preceding month, fees may apply
Business card ads will may be purchased at pro-rated price any time
Pricing is for copy ready ads in PDF format. Newsletter is printed in FULL COLOR
Print ads should be submitted in high resolution (300dpi) PDF format
Must be current Ohio Angus member to advertise cattle sales, and content must relate to sale of Angus cattle
For a cattle sale to be included on Ohio Angus official calendar of events, at least $150 of newsletter, website and/or Facebook advertisements must be purchased
Facebook Advertising
One time post with pictures, videos and/or advertisement
Posted to the Ohio Angus Facebook Page the has over 2800 followers
Pricing: $100 per post / $50 with purchase of full page news ad
Pictures and Ads to be submitted as high resolution JPeg files
Website Advertising
Front & Center on Ohio Angus Home Page
Sold by the month, limited to 10 per month
Pricing: $150/month
Linkable to a website, online catalog, online sale page or other external site
Dimenions 1080 x 1080 pixels
Resolution: 300 dpi in RGB format